Be A Part of It!

Every performer should be training Performing Arts Mindset® if they want to reach their full potential. Singers, dancers, actors and instrumentalists all need this skill and can now develop it consistently!

Choose Mindset Class to Stay sharp

You can now train your performing arts mindset skills in class with Coach Christina!

Subscribe to Performing Arts Mindset® Class for just $8.99/month! This includes two 30-minute mindset classes each month (via Zoom), mindset worksheets that Christina creates for each class, and access to class playbacks!

Grab your worksheet and a pen and get ready for the 30 min to fly by as you grow your performing arts mindset skills with the leading mindset coach in the industry, Coach Christina.

There is no other Mindset coaching like this for performers!

Coach Christina is the forerunner of Performing Arts Mindset® training for youth performers. She has developed strategic ways to train performers how to use their mindset to their advantage so that they can be the best performer possible. This way, they can perform their best under pressure, tackle nerves and be excellent on any stage! 

Some past Class Series

Mindset Class Train for your Auditions

Consistently Train Your
Performing Arts Mindset®

So You Stay Ready for your

Auditions and Performances

Every Performance Decision Begins with a Thought... Train your thoughts.