How Youth Performers Can Overcome Nervousness at Auditions: 5 Strategies to Handle the Waiting Room with Confidence

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Auditions can be a thrilling yet nerve-wracking experience for youth performers. Whether you’re a singer, dancer, actor, or instrumentalist, facing the stress of competition and the unknown outcomes can trigger anxiety. However, learning how to handle nerves before stepping into the audition room—especially while waiting in the audition room itself—is a crucial skill!

Overcoming these nerves not only improves your chances of delivering a great performance but also helps youth performers develop resilience for future challenges in their artistic careers!

I’ve been a vocal performance coach for 25 years now. What an amazing journey! The students who have the most success at their auditions and performances are those who also train their performing arts mindset. 

In this blog, we’ll explore how youth performers can manage nervousness at auditions, specifically focusing on the all-important audition waiting room. I’ll give you 5 Strategies to use! I’ll also share inspiring stories of famous singers who faced nerves in their early auditions and how they overcame them…

From mental strategies to physical relaxation techniques, these tips will help youth performers stay calm, confident, and focused, no matter how daunting the audition process may seem.

And…if you want to dive into more training that will give you a greater edge at auditions, youth performers can train Performing Arts Mindset®!

It’s a new category of training in the performing arts that focuses on training the mindset of a performer so you can know how to strategically think before you perform, while you are performing and after you perform. Strategic thinking, while in the audition waiting room, can (and should be) trained!

Before we move forward, if you want more info on Performing Arts Mindset® training, check out “The Road To The Stage” for youth performers here: 

Mindset Class Train for your Auditions

Let’s jump in! Here are some great strategies for managing nervousness while in the audition waiting room!

  1. Understanding the Nervousness of Youth Performers at Auditions

It’s perfectly normal to feel nervous before an audition. For youth performers, these nerves can feel even more intense. You’re not just worried about your performance; you’re also concerned about how you are being judged, if you’ll land the role/earn the chair/become the principle dancer/win the competition/make the cut/get the callback, etc.

The typical emotions experienced before and during auditions include:

– Fear of failure: Will you mess up the lines, forget the lyrics, or miss a dance step?

– Fear of rejection: What if you don’t get the role or make it past the audition process?

– Self-doubt: Is your talent good enough? Are you really prepared?

All these feelings are common. The key to success lies in how you manage the feelings, especially during the “waiting room” period.

  1. Why the Waiting Room is One of the Most Nerve-Wracking Parts of Auditions

The waiting room can be a particularly difficult place to manage nerves. Not only are you anticipating your turn to perform, but you’re also surrounded by other performers. This environment may cause you to feel overwhelmed or competitive, heightening anxiety.

Here’s why the audition waiting room can amplify nerves:

– Uncertainty: The unknown is one of the biggest stressors. Not knowing when you’ll be called in, what the judges expect, or what others are doing only increases the feeling of pressure.

– Comparison: Seeing other performers and wondering if they are better than you can grow the feelings of self-doubt and insecurity.

-Isolation: Being alone with your thoughts and anxieties without support in a competitive environment can lead to negative thinking patterns if you don’t know how to control your mindset.

However, it’s important to remember that everyone in the audition waiting room is going through the same experience. The way you approach the waiting room can determine how effectively you manage your nerves when it’s your turn to perform. You can train your mindset for this tough step!

Auditions - Train your Performing Arts Mindset

  1. How to Handle the  Audition Waiting Room: 5 Strategies for Managing Nervousness

While waiting for your name to be called in an audition room, it’s essential to have strategies that calm your mind, center your thoughts, and prepare you for the best performance possible. Here are a few easy-to-use techniques that can help you handle the waiting room nerves:

ONE: Practice Deep Breathing Exercises to help with Audition Nerves

Deep breathing is one of the quickest and most effective ways to calm your nerves. The act of focusing on your breath can help divert attention from anxious thoughts and shift physical symptoms of stress, such as racing heartbeats, shallow breathing, etc.

Here’s a simple breathing technique. Some call it “box breathing”:

– Breathe in slowly for 4 counts.

– Hold your breath for 4 counts.

– Exhale slowly for 6 counts.

– Repeat several times.

Deep breathing helps activate the body’s parasympathetic nervous system, signaling to your body that it’s okay to relax and things will start to slow down.

TWO: Ground Yourself with Physical Movement

While you may be sitting in the audition waiting room, use the space to stretch, move, or even engage in light exercise to reduce physical tension. Simple stretches like shoulder rolls, neck stretches, or gentle leg movements can relieve physical tightness, which may help ease your mind as well.

If the audition waiting room space allows, stand up and walk around, but try to stay away from comparing yourself with others. Focus on your own body and mental state.

THREE: Practice Positive Visualization for a Calmer Audition

Visualization is a powerful technique that top performers often use to calm nerves and prepare mentally for their performances. Youth performers can benefit from taking a moment to close their eyes and visualize themselves succeeding in their audition.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and imagine yourself walking confidently into the room.
  2. Visualize yourself performing with ease and confidence, hitting every note or step perfectly.
  3. Imagine the judges smiling and nodding in approval.
  4. Feel the positive emotions of success, from joy to relief.
  5. Smile. You will feel better if you will just smile while you visualize your amazing audition.

By practicing visualization, you create a mental rehearsal of success that helps reduce fear and build confidence.   

FOUR: Reframe Negative Thoughts as You Wait on Your Audition

It’s easy to spiral into negative thinking in the waiting room, especially when you start comparing yourself to others. Instead of focusing on what could go wrong, try to reframe those thoughts into positive affirmations.

Some Examples:

– “I am prepared and able to do my best.”

– “If I make a mistake, I’ll use it to show them how well I handle mistakes.”

– “I’ve practiced and I’m ready.”

This shift in thinking reduces performance anxiety and empowers youth performers to focus on what they can control—delivering their best performance.

FIVE: Distract Yourself in the Audition Waiting Room with a Creative Outlet

If the nerves are particularly high, it might help to distract yourself briefly with a small creative activity. For instance, a singer can hum or practice their scales lightly under their breath, while dancers or actors can practice their routines quietly in a corner. Engaging with your art, even in small ways, can help ground you and reduce stress.

Auditions - Train your Performing Arts Mindset to overcome performance anxiety

  1. Famous Singers and How They Overcame Nervousness at Auditions

Many well-known artists faced nervousness during auditions, but they learned how to handle it with time and experience. Let’s take a look at some famous singers’ stories and how they navigated audition nerves.

a) Beyoncé

Beyoncé has shared in interviews that she was often nervous during her early auditions. One of her most memorable early experiences was auditioning for “Destiny’s Child,” where she felt intense pressure to stand out among the other talented contestants. Beyoncé credits her ability to overcome these nerves to her focus on preparation, belief in her talent, and positive mindset.

“I was nervous. But I always felt like I had to prove myself. I had to stay grounded, and I was determined. Once I focused on what I loved—singing and performing—the nerves faded,” she said in an interview.

Beyoncé’s story emphasizes the power of self-confidence and trusting the process. By focusing on the love for the craft and staying prepared, she was able to push through her nervousness.

b.) Adele

Adele has always been open about her struggles with anxiety, particularly when it came to her first auditions. The British singer admitted in an interview that she had to remind herself that nerves were natural and that even the most successful artists felt nervous. More on Adele’s nerves here:

In an interview, Adele revealed that during one of her early auditions for a record label, she was terrified and overwhelmed by self-doubt. However, her ability to focus on the music rather than the outcome helped her calm her nerves. Adele shared that singing and connecting with the emotion of the song gave her the confidence to perform despite the anxiety.

“I always remind myself that it’s not about being perfect. It’s about connecting with the song and sharing something real,” Adele said.

This mindset— “staying connected to the music” rather than focusing on judgment—is key in managing audition nerves.

c) Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga is another singer who has spoken about the importance of overcoming self-doubt, particularly during auditions and performances. In the early years of her career, Lady Gaga was frequently told she didn’t have the “look” or the style that major labels were looking for.

During her auditions, she was often nervous but found solace in remembering her unique identity. She said, “I was always told that I was not good enough. But I believed in myself and knew that I had something to offer the world. I pushed past those nerves and stayed true to who I was.”

Her story teaches youth performers the importance of self-belief and finding confidence in their uniqueness, rather than letting nerves or rejection hold them back.

  1. Final Thoughts on Handling the Audition Waiting Room Nerves

Auditions can be an overwhelming experience, especially for youth performers, but with the right mindset and preparation, they can learn to handle the stress effectively. The waiting room is often the most challenging part of the process, but by practicing techniques like deep breathing, visualization, positive self-talk, and staying focused on the music, performers can transform their anxiety into confidence.

Famous singers like Beyoncé, Adele, and Lady Gaga have all faced audition nerves and used their experiences to build resilience and determination. By following in their footsteps, youth performers can handle the pressure of auditions with grace, develop mental resilience, and move forward in their artistic careers with confidence.

Remember, every performer experiences nervousness—it’s how you manage it that truly counts. Stay grounded, trust in your talent, and know that each audition is a valuable learning experience, regardless of the outcome.

And lastly…

I always tell my students to celebrate their audition after they complete it. Value the process that you just went through! It took a lot of work, perseverance and courage to prepare for your audition and then to walk into that audition room and choose to give your best.

So celebrate when you finish… before you hear the results. It trains your mind to place value on the process that you just went through and how you grew. After you perform or audition, your brilliant brain is already creating the roadmap for how you will think when it is time for your next audition.

Teach your brain to value and celebrate the process of the audition!

Want more strategies? Train your Performing Arts Mindset®! Go here:

There is a free download that you can grab on the site. You can also check out the different mindset trainings. Definitely look into the Mindset Class subscription, where you receive two 30-minute mindset classes (and worksheets) each month for a very low price. Private coaching info is also on the site. And…the flagship performing arts mindset workshop titled, “The Road To The Stage” (4 lessons, 1 workbook). Check it out!

Performing Arts Mindset training for auditions and performances

**Keywords**: auditions, youth performers audition nerves, handling audition anxiety, overcoming performance nerves, waiting room audition tips, audition nerves for singers, famous singers audition stories, how to manage audition stress, youth performer confidence tips, performing arts mindset, vocal coach christina, practice polish perform, audition confidence